Fathers’ Rights

A Chicago Blog

Archive for August 23rd, 2008

Liberal Perspectives – The World Viewed Through A Straw

Posted by madcap on August 23, 2008

Posted on April 1, 2007
Filed Under Politics, Contributing Editors | |

No matter what the issue, event or circumstance, the Liberal mind is incapable of grasping big pictures. It is a micro world view grown in the Petri dish we call the university. Today the university has lost sight of a true liberal education and is today producing specialists. Therefore, along with books, pencils and paper, the modern student is required to be well supplied with plenty of straws through which to examine closely the world around them.

Through this straw one sees the rights of man, while the responsibility that accompanies each of these rights escapes their field of vision. History always begins in the morning, and the events of the day occur in a vacuum, with no past reference.

If the Earth’s temperature rises one degree over the last one hundred years, it must be because of all the plastic bags, tin cans and Wal-mart. Only a “savior,” a god-man like Al Gore can rescue humanity from calamity. The eons of years prior to man’s arrival, with all the ebbs and flows of seasons, the destruction and catastrophes, are never seen through the straw.

It is through this straw one sees immigration, but misses the illegal part. It is through this straw one sees stem cell research, but bypasses the embryonic part. It is through this straw that Bush and Hitler, Gitmo and the gulags all appear to be one and the same.

If they see Pavlov, it must all be a bell. If they see Freud, it must all be sex. If they see Sagan, it must all be dust. If they see the New York Times, it must all be true. If they see god, it must all be themselves.

It is through this straw that war is never the answer, no matter what the question might be. Treason looks the same as patriotism, defeat the same as victory. Success is punished while failure is nurtured.

While the amount of information, and the ease of access to it has never been for man as it is today, if you view life through a straw, no high speed laptop will suffice to correct the vision problem in today’s world of the specialist. While we as men have gathered great quantities of information, so much that we had to create a cyber-space to store all of it, we still have lost much of our wisdom through the forces of historicism, relativism, positivism, and straw-ism.

The Liberal perspective is a narrow perspective. It is a shallow perspective. It is a young perspective, like a top 40 pop song, that is here today and gone tomorrow. Most important, it is a dangerous perspective, for it sees not the cliff it is about to walk over. It cannot see the canyon. It cannot see the forest nor the trees. It is a high-speed train rolling down the tracks of the regress express. All aboard and let it roll! Ding-ding…ding-ding…ding-ding…

By, Madcap

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Grateful Dead – St Stephen

Posted by madcap on August 23, 2008

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Grateful Dead – St Stephen“, posted with vodpod

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Parental Alienation Syndrome: How to Detect It and What to Do About It

Posted by madcap on August 23, 2008

Over the past few weeks I have been doing research on Parental Alienation. For the past eight years my children have been victims of an Obsessed Alienation process perpetrated by their mother. I have been aware of this the whole time, but did not realize the severity and the depth of damage that was happening. I thought mom would be unsuccessful as long as I remained in my children’s lives. What I have been learning however, is that this is hardly ever the case. The power in immersing the children in an environment of “hate dad” is far too strong for children to overcome. In my case, the majority of the children’s time was spent in the Alienation environment.

This is one article that was of great assistance in helping me realize the severity of my own situation. I wish I would have sought a court order allowing me to take my children to counseling a long time ago.

THE FLORIDA BAR JOURNAL, VOL. 73, No. 3, MARCH 1999, p 44-48

Parental Alienation Syndrome:
How to Detect It and What to Do About It

by J. Michael Bone and Michael R. Walsh

Although parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a familiar term, there is still a great deal of confusion and unclarity about its nature, dimensions, and, therefore, its detection.(1) Its presence, however, is unmistakable. In a longitudinal study of 700 “high conflict” divorce cases followed over 12 years, it was concluded that elements of PAS are present in the vast majority of the samples.(2) Diagnosis of PAS is reserved for mental health professionals who come to the court in the form of expert witnesses. Diagnostic hallmarks usually are couched in clinical terms that remain vague and open to interpretation and, therefore. susceptible to argument pro and con by opposing experts. The phenomenon of one parent turning the child against the other parent is not a complicated concept, but historically it has been difficult to identify clearly. Consequently, cases involving PAS are heavily litigated, filled with accusations and counter accusations, and thus leave the court with an endless search for details that eventually evaporate into nothing other than rank hearsay. It is our experience that the PAS phenomenon leaves a trail that can be identified more effectively by removing the accusation hysteria, and looking ahead in another positive direction.

For the purpose of this article the authors are assuming a fair degree of familiarity with parental alienation syndrome on the part of the reader.(3) There are many good writings on PAS which the reader may wish to consult now or in the future for general information. Our focus here is much more narrow. Specifically, the goal is twofold. First we will describe four very specific criteria that can be used to identify potential PAS. In most instances, these criteria can be identified through the facts of the case, but also can be revealed by deposition or court testimony. Secondly, we wish to introduce the concept of “attempted” PAS; that is when the criteria of PAS are present, but the child is not successfully alienated from the absent parent. This phenomenon is still quite harmful and the fact of children not being alienated should not be viewed as neutral by the court. Full Article:

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Misuse of Order of Protection: Mom the Terminator

Posted by madcap on August 23, 2008

Everyone knows. Any attorney will tell you. The Judge knows, the bailiff knows, and the court reporter knows. What do they know? They know that more often than not, terminator mothers use orders of protection, not as the shield that they were intended for, but rather as a sword to destroy the father.

No evidence is needed to obtain an order of protection. No filing fees, no attorney, nothing other than the claim that  “I’m afraid.” The father’s presence at the hearing is not required. A judgment can be issued against you with no opportunity to face your accuser. Your house can be taken away, your car, and your children can all be swept away in an instant.

One wrong step, one Christmas card sent in the mail, and bingo! Dad’s in jail! Heck, the father does not have to do anything, just the simple accusation from the terminator and off to jail you go. Forget about the new job you were to start on Monday. Forget about the money spent on bail. Oh, it could very well be thrown out in the end, but you still lost your job and your bail money, while the terminator walks unscaved.

In my personal case, I was charged with ten separate order of protection violations. Eight were dismissed. The two charges that I plead guilty to were sending Halloween cards to my daughters, and writing a letter asking to see the children for Thanksgiving. I was in jail for Thanksgiving that year for sending the Halloween cards. Trick or treat!

My terminator, Anna Jurich of Carbondale Illinois, had a personal relationship with her small town police department (the chief would often have dinner at her mother’s according to my daughters) and was able to time my arrests just before our OP hearing. This enabled her to delay my being able to receive a visitation schedule for many months. On the morning I was not in jail on the hearing date, I awoke to find all four tires slashed on my car.

Once, after I had received a temporary schedule under the OP, Anna Jurich was able to have the Christopher police waiting on a school bus ready to ambush me when I came to pick the girls up for a Wednesday visitation. I was arrested in front of my daughter’s school. The only time any violence occurred was when mom punched me at a drop off! My brother and I filed reports on this incident, but nothing was ever done about it.

I’ve had visitation with my daughters for the past eight years. Nothing has changed. The terminator can not be stopped. She has dedicated her life to destroying my relationship with my daughters.

Heck, I’m so afraid of my terminator, I think I need an Order of Protection! I bet she even tries taking legal action for me posting this article.

If you are a father who has a terminator after you, please submit your story in the comment section. I will review and post.

Also see:


Rethinking Family Rights

Tuesday Morning Coffee & Ramblings/The FRO/Deadbeat Dads/Legal Aid

Family Courts Don’t Solve Conflict, They Create It

The Nuclear Option in Child Custody – Sexual Molestation Charges

Restraining Orders Can Be Straitjackets On Justice

Tribute to Fathers….Parent Alienation

July 28th, 2008 by Glenn SacksWood calls the current law on restraining orders ‘an efficient system.’ We disagree. Yes, the system is efficient in separating men from their children and their homes. However, it is hardly efficient in delivering justice.”

In the November 2007 issue of the Illinois Bar Journal,
Scott A. Lerner, Esq., takes a critical look at the
Illinois Domestic Violence Act (DVA) in his article
“Sword or Shield: Combating Orders-of-Protection Abuse
in Divorce”

“There’s no question that victims need protection from
abusers,” he writes. “But not all parties to divorce are
above using OPs [orders-of-protection] not for their

intended purpose but solely to gain advantage in a dissolution.” And “the greatest potential for abuse of the system,” in Lerner’s opinion, “is in visitation.” Full article

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